weekly roundup april 19 - 22

Welcome to a new entry from our digital marketing weekly roundup with the most interesting news about SEO, online advertising, web design and web development, WordPress, social media and more.

This is the first weekly roundup that I publish after a week spent in Italy with my parents.

As you know, we now accept paid mentions in the roundup. If interested in being mentioned in the roundup or having a guest post published, please read our guidelines.

Weekly Roundup April 18 – 22: Web Design / Development / WordPress / Woocommerce

I am planning to write an article about this but it seems it’s now possible to connect Woocommerce and Pinterest via plugin.

More news about Woocommerce hinting at bringing full-site editing support to product templates.

Weekly Roundup April 18 – 22: SEO

A couple of really interesting articles here about respectively Homepage SEO and the basics of how search engines work.

I also enjoyed this article about content optimisation.

Weekly Roundup April 18 – 22: Marketing

In this case I am flagging a bunch of articles by the guys at Ahrefs. In my opinion, they are all worth at least a read:

Weekly Roundup April 18 – 22: Social Media

I was happy to read about Instagram working on their algorithm to give more visibility to original content.

If you have been following Elon Musk, you might know by know he’s secured +$46 billion and plans to make a tender offer for acquiring Twitter.

Also I have just discovered this article, which I haven’t read yet, about social media and NFTs.


That’s all for this week folks! I hope you enjoyed the weekly roundup April 19 – 22.

Feel free to share it on your social media and as always feel free comment below!

Have a great weekend!

Featured image by Raspopova Marina on Unsplash.com


Pasquale Mellone

Pasquale is Founder at Increasily.com, a H2H marketing agency based in Dublin, Ireland, and owner at print-on-demand ecommerce Mintycase.com. Pasquale has worked in Digital Marketing and Account Management since 2004. He currently lives in Dublin with his wife, stepdaughter and cat.