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16 great reasons why you must use PPC today

PPC marketing is a way to increase your business’s bottom line by attracting the highest number of customers who will buy what you are offering. The more exposure you have, the more people will see your product or service. Over time, PPC can grow into a large part of your overall marketing strategy and provide more significant and extensive returns on investment (ROI).

This post explains PPC and outlines # great reasons why you must use PPC today!

PPC is a versatile tool

PPC is a powerful and versatile tool that can be used to:

  • Increase sales/Revenue
  • Reduce Cost Per Acquisition
  • Increase Subscribers
  • And a lot more

For example, The Wool Company, a family-owned business in Cornwall, UK, was finding it hard to compete with larger brands. They faced issues with a low return on ad spend (ROAS) and a high cost per click (CPC).

They chose to work with a digital marketing agency and tasked them with increasing conversion rates, CTR, ROAS, and revenue.

Agency Approach

The agency started by reviewing The Wool Company’s business model, goals, and needs. The results were used to create a short-term and long-term PPC strategy. The strategy includes using Google Ads and Microsoft Ads.


The results after six months were highly encouraging. The year-on-year results showed:

  • Increased clicks +12%
  • CTR +65%
  • ROAS +82%

These improvements were coupled with a reduction in the average CPC of -34% and a reduction in the campaign cost of -26%.


The benefits of using PPC

PPC campaigns are great for leading customers to your business when they’re most likely to buy, increasing sales. PPC has a high conversion rate, which means that the customers you attract through your campaigns are highly likely to make a purchase.

Additionally, the types of ads you run can be pretty varied. You can create ads that link directly to your website, landing pages, or client reports. You can also create text ads that appear only when someone searches for specific keywords. In many cases, they’re displayed alongside search results on Google and other search engines. There are even options for mobile ads, which can drive high volumes of traffic to your business and increase sales on the go.

While PPC is quick to set up, the level of complexity across different platforms and the changing nature of PPC make using an agency like Click Intelligence more appealing.

1) Quick results

When your PPC campaign is in place, and you start getting traffic, you can easily track the results you’re seeing. You can check your website analytics and review the reports for each ad you’ve run to see which ones work best.

2) Control over where ads appear

AdWords and other platforms allow you to choose where your ads appear. You can show them only on particular websites or during certain times of day or night. If a particular advertising outlet isn’t working, you can change it or eliminate it from your campaign altogether.

3) Quick to implement

Starting a PPC campaign is faster and easier than many other types of advertising. You can get set up in a few minutes, and you don’t have to wait long for results. In most cases, your ads start appearing within a few hours. Therefore, new businesses can enter the marketplace quickly, and established companies can launch new products and services.

4) Minimal effort

Running PPC campaigns isn’t strenuous or time-consuming. You can create ads quickly and easily with minimal effort and send them out for others to view on your behalf. You only need to check on your ads’ performance from time to time to see which ones are working best and make any changes you need to make.

How does PPC work?

PPC marketing campaigns are very specific. They’re based on keywords that relate directly to your business, which means you can target only people searching for what you have to offer. PPC campaigns reach potential customers at just the right time, leading them directly to your website or landing page where they can learn more about your product or service.

Advertising links directly with search engine results and other online platforms so you can deliver targeted messages about your products and services when people are most likely interested in buying them.

The different types of PPC

There are many kinds of PPC advertising, but the most common are text ads, which appear on businesses’ websites or inside search engines. They’re displayed alongside other ads for similar products and services. Different types of ads include rich media, where images and video might be included; display ads, where your ad appears on the screen as it loads; mobile ads to reach customers when they’re doing something else; and video ads that can provide additional value by showing an animation or crash course on what you offer.

PPC platforms

There are many PPC platforms available, and many offer intuitive tools and interfaces that you can use to customize your campaigns. Some are more specific or have more features than others, but they all center on keywords, which is part of what helps you reach specific customers at the best time.

·         Google Ads

This is the most popular platform for PPC advertising. Google has an excellent reputation for quality and security, and its tools for creating ads are easy to use. It’s also easy to start with Google Ads. It only takes a few minutes to set up an account. You can also set up daily budgets, so you don’t spend too much on ads that aren’t converting well.

·         Microsoft Advertising

This is another popular platform for PPC advertising. Its tools are easy to use and understand, with a well-documented interface that guides you through creating ads and setting up campaign settings. It’s easy to adjust some ads or make new ones on this platform, including text, rich media, and video. MS Advertising also allows you to import a PPC advertising campaign directly from Google Ads.

·         Facebook Ads

This PPC platform can help you reach people who are already customers of your business or those with interests similar to yours. A Facebook ad campaign is based on the interests of your potential customers, and it shows up in their news feeds. It’s another fast way to reach your audience, which makes it an excellent option for B2B companies or those targeting niche markets.

How to get started with PPC

Here are the top tips for getting started with a PPC campaign:

1. Decide what you want to sell

The first step is to decide what you want to sell with your PPC campaign. Do you want to drive traffic to your website or your ads to appear directly in search engines? Are there specific keywords that relate to your business?

2. Choose the PPC platform that best supports your business goals

Choose a platform based on how much traffic you want and where in the world that traffic should come from. Then choose your keywords and write compelling ads that will get people’s attention immediately.

3. Stay involved with your PPC campaign

Make sure to check on your PPC campaign from time to time. Check the reports and make changes to ads where they’re needed. Make sure your ads are still bringing customers how you want them to and adjust them where necessary.

4. Keep track of how well each ad is performing

If one ad isn’t working well, try another or make a few changes. Watch which ads bring in the business you need and remove or amend the ones that aren’t working. Remember that every business is different, so what works for others might not work well for you.

5. Take advantage of keyword grouping to save money and gain relevancy

If you have similar products or services, create a keyword group and use the same ads across that group. You’ll be able to save money while still reaching the customers who are most likely to click them.

6. Measure your PPC business success

If you invest a significant amount in PPC, track your business results carefully to see if your business goals are being met. Set monthly goals for your PPC campaign’s performance, so you don’t spend more than necessary without seeing any return on investment. If you can’t meet these goals, it might be time to reconsider your strategy or change platforms completely.

7. Analyze conversion rates carefully

If you create a PPC landing page or website, make sure you’ve set it up in such a way that makes it easy for visitors to convert once they get there. Make sure the call to action is clear, and make sure your landing page has all the correct information.

8. Remember your customer experience goals first

If you want more leads or customers, focus on relevant ads and keyword groups to help you reach those goals. If you want loyal customers and word-of-mouth advertising, focus on product quality and customer service over short-term profits.

9. Set realistic goals with your PPC campaign

PPC campaigns are not perfect, so don’t expect them to bring in tons of new customers alone. You have to have a solid business plan to support the ads you run, including ensuring they’re bringing in the right kind of traffic at the right time.

10. Measure your PPC ad performance with Google Analytics

You can use Google Analytics to measure whether your ad campaigns are working for you and how well you’re doing as a business, so make sure to set them up. Google Analytics can measure how many people click on your ads, how many visitors you get from specific campaigns over time, and how much money each campaign brings in.

Tracking and managing customer data over time

If you’re like most businesses, you’re trying to grow as fast as possible without breaking the bank. A PPC campaign is an affordable way to reach new people, especially if you’re starting with a small business budget. When integrated with your overall marketing strategy, PPC ads can help you drive more potential customers to your website or bring in leads and customers who are already interested in what you have to offer.

16 excellent reasons why you must use PPC today

Here’s how tracking and managing customer data over time adds value to your PPC campaign:

 1. You can reach your target audience at the right time

The more regularly and exclusively you connect with potential customers, the better they’ll know you. If you only send them an occasional message, they might not remember who you are when you’re talking to them about a new product or service. A PPC campaign can help you connect with those potential customers regularly, and it’s a great way to get your name out there in the first place.

2. You will be able to find out what works best for your business

You’ll know which keywords bring in the most traffic so that you can write more specific ads for those results. If your ads are getting lots of clicks but not many leads or customers, figure out why this is happening and adjust your PPC campaign accordingly.

3. You can see which ads are bringing in the most leads and customers

If you have a lot of different ads and keywords on your PPC campaign, you’ll be able to see which ones are bringing in the most leads and customers. In this context, “leads” means someone who has expressed interest in your business, whereas “customers” means someone who has taken action, like purchasing something or scheduling an appointment. You can then make adjustments to have more of each result.

4. You can use PPC ads to build trust with your customers

If you take the time to create unique, high-quality PPC ads, you’ll stand out from other businesses and gain the trust of potential customers. They might become regular users and word-of-mouth promoters for your business.

5. You can measure your PPC campaign success

If you invest a significant amount in PPC, track your business results carefully to see if your business goals are being met. Set monthly goals for your PPC campaign’s performance, so you don’t spend more than necessary without seeing any return on investment. If you can’t meet these goals, it might be time to reconsider your strategy or change platforms completely.

6. If you want more leads and customers…

Focus on relevant ads and keyword groups to help you reach those goals. If you want loyal customers and word-of-mouth advertising, focus on product quality and customer service over short-term profits.

7. You can be sure you’re reaching the right people

If you want more leads or customers, focus on relevant ads and keyword groups to help you achieve those goals. If you want loyal customers and word-of-mouth advertising, focus on product quality and customer service over short-term profits.

8. You can drive more traffic when you run PPC campaigns

If you create a PPC landing page or website, make sure you’ve set it up in such a way that makes it easy for visitors to convert once they get there. Make sure the call to action is clear, and make sure your landing page has all the correct information.

9. You can build brand awareness over time

If you want more leads or customers, focus on relevant ads and keyword groups to help you reach those goals. If you want loyal customers and word-of-mouth advertising, focus on product quality and customer service over short-term profits.

10. You can find new customers who are interested in what you have to offer

If your PPC campaign is being managed correctly, you’ll be able to create ads targeting the people most likely to be interested in your business and products. You can reach more potential customers and ensure they see your message at the right time.

11. You can optimize your campaign

A PPC campaign is constantly optimized, so you don’t have to worry about it staying the same over time. If you’re not getting good results with certain ads or keywords, you can delete them. It’s your ad campaign, so as long as your investment is worth it and you’re making money back on your investment, continue to run the working ads.

12. You have a unique way of targeting customers with special offers

The more specific your ads are, the more relevant they will be to your target audience. This means that people who are specifically looking for what you offer will see a PPC ad for it instead of someone who’s just browsing around on their phone.

13. You control the budget

Are you spending too much on PPC? Cut back. Are you spending too little? Adjust accordingly. In many cases, the more you spend on PPC, the more traffic and leads you’ll get in return. This might not work with every company, but it has worked well for many online businesses.

14. You’re reaching a larger audience

Thanks to the Internet, so many people are looking for information about your business right now that it would be tough to reach them all without help from a PPC campaign. A PPC campaign can help you reach customers when you might not have been able to reach them before, so give it a try.

15. Reengage website visitors

Some companies use PPC to help bring back customers who have left their site. If that’s something you need, consider running a campaign to entice them to come back.

16. Create “look-a-like” audiences

If you have the Facebook pixel implemented on your website, it will learn what a typical customer for your website looks like. Using this information, Facebook can target individuals that meet the criteria of the look-a-like audience.

Conclusion: why you should use PPC today

People use PPC daily to reach new customers, gain more leads, and maximize profit. PPC is continually optimized and changed to be more efficient for the market.

It’s important to understand that with every new change in PPC, new tools help you reach your goals as quickly as possible. It’s essential to review the entire landscape of PPC software so that you can decide which advertising platforms are right for your business.

Remember that successful PPC campaigns do not rely on one tool or one marketing channel; they depend on the use of many digital tools from many different companies.

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