
What is Marketing in 2021 (Easy Definition and Meaning)

what is marketing in 2021

Marketing, Digital Marketing and Online Marketing – In this article you will learn what is marketing.

You will also learn about the origin of the terms and the main channels used for respectively digital and online.

If you are interested in learning more about marketing, make sure you also check my other articles:

If you need help with understanding what is marketing and with your digital or online efforts, make sure you check our digital marketing agency services.

What is Marketing?

Marketing is the set of activities, processes and procedures put in place to create and exchange value with a given target audience, generally through the selling of products or services.

It is generally divided into two main sub-categories: B2B and B2C.

What is B2B Marketing?

B2B marketing is any form of marketing that is targeting businesses and organisations.

What is B2C Marketing?

B2B marketing is any form of marketing that is targeting consumers directly.

What is Digital Marketing?

It is a form of marketing that uses any digital channel or platform to create and exchange value with a target audience.

It can include both online and offline strategies.

What is Online Marketing?

It is a form of Marketing, specifically Digital Marketing, that uses any online channel or platform to create and exchange value with a target audience.

What Are the Main Online Marketing Channels?

This is a list of the most common channels:

  • Websites
  • Search Engines
  • Online Advertising
  • Socia Media
  • Email
  • Mobile

What Are the Main Online Marketing Strategies?

The main strategies are:

  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Pay-Per-Click Advertising
  • Content Marketing
  • Mobile Marketing



Pasquale Mellone

Pasquale is Founder at, a H2H marketing agency based in Dublin, Ireland, and owner at print-on-demand ecommerce Pasquale has worked in Digital Marketing and Account Management since 2004. He currently lives in Dublin with his wife, stepdaughter and cat.