As part of the software development process, a strict division of labor is provided. Thus, an architect is engaged in modeling and design, a programmer – in development and...
Do you watch videos with the sound off? If so, you’re not alone. A lot of people watch videos without sound for a variety of reasons for example when...
With most businesses operating an online site these days there has never been more choice for customers when it comes to paying for goods and services. The last few...
Data collection is something all businesses need to consider carefully. After all, if you do not gather data about your customers, you won’t be able to make changes and...
There is no denying the pivotal role content plays when it comes to marketing your business today. In fact, 90 percent of marketers who used content marketing in 2021...
Every entrepreneurship journey starts with one great idea. An idea for a product or service that will change the world. Or, at least, will significantly improve the lives of...
Welcome to another digital marketing weekly roundup, this time covering 13 – 17 June. As usual, I am going to share some of the most interesting articles that I...
To fulfill customers needs, marketing teams have to aim to deliver the correct messages to their target audience and have perfect timing in doing so. By integrating these into...
By 2026, Dropshipping is expected to grow to nearly $470 billion. Despite this, it is estimated that about 80% of dropshipping ventures don’t make it. What makes the difference...
Web designing will grow nearly 13% in the next ten years, creating a demand for numerous web designers. Web designers are in great demand locally and internationally as every...