remote work

We can’t deny that remote work has been on the rise for the past few years, but it wasn’t until the entire world was hit by a pandemic in 2020 that telecommuting became a necessity for companies, including those who never considered it.

As things are slowly starting to go back to normal, we see businesses opening their doors to their employees again. However, many employees realized that remote work was so much better than doing a nine to five in an office cubicle, as it allows for increased autonomy and flexibility. They get to move at their own pace and work anywhere they feel productive.

Employers who were once non-believers of telecommuting have now viewed it as an integral part of hiring and retaining top talent, staying ahead of the competition, and even saving on business costs.

Digital marketing agencies would be a good example. For instance, after seeing outstanding results, a Florida digital marketing company has decided to expand their remote workforce – a move that will no doubt benefit them in the long run.

Why’s that, you ask? Well, you’re about to find out below as we discuss the numerous perks remote working, especially in today’s digital age. Let’s dive in!

It Takes Location Out of the Equation

One of the wonders of remote digital marketing is having the luxury to hire highly skilled marketers not just from any part of the country, but any part of the world!

When forming an in-person team, higher ups find themselves limited to candidates who either live in close proximity to the office or those who are willing to relocate. This leaves companies fewer options for hiring, as opposed to building a remote team.

Since geography won’t be a factor for digital marketing firms, you can form their teams based on talent and experience. You can build their dream team with confidence, giving your prospective and existing clients all the more reason to want to work with you.

As long as these remote workers possess the right skillset, a dedicated workspace at home, and of course, a strong internet connection, location isn’t something digital marketing companies should worry about. Who knows, maybe your next top-performing SEO specialist could come from another continent!

It Helps You Save Money

Having employees in your office can get really expensive. Each time you have a new in-office member coming in, you’ll need to spend a fortune on utilities, equipment, and administration.

This is another reason why most companies today have become invested in hiring remote workers.

With remote workers, you’ll be able to save on all the aforementioned costs. There’s no more need to provide expensive tech equipment as they already have their own office equipment.

Those savings can add up, and you can use them for other work-related purposes such as organizing team-building activities or buying the latest email marketing software. You might even want to consider giving some of your deserving employees a raise to further boost their motivation, push them to perform better, and increase your odds of getting the best talent.

It Produces Happy Workers

Regardless of which industry they belong to, remote workers are more satisfied than their 9-5 counterparts, and it’s easy to see why.

They have the freedom to choose when and where to work, they’re less distracted, they can take breaks whenever they feel like, they don’t have to waste time and money commuting, and they don’t have a supervisor around to keep an eye on them.

And, you know what they say about happier employees; they’re more productive, efficient, and motivated, which means better service and superior results.

It Increases Productivity

Noisy colleagues, constant telephone rings, meetings, and interruptions from visiting co-workers are some of the most common distractions that affect an employee’s productivity.

The thing is, they only happen in the office environment. Remote workers don’t have to deal with any of these. They can focus all their efforts on the task at hand and optimize their time to ensure they produce high-quality work.

Plus, having the autonomy to decide when and where to work makes it easier for them to get the job done. Some prefer working seven days a week but with shorter hours, while others work best during unconventional hours, like late nights where they’re at their most productive.

Since remote workers are the ones managing their time, you can have the assurance that they always work when their creativity and efficiency are at the highest. As long as they complete their tasks and deliver quality results, you don’t have to worry when and how they do it.

It Utilizes Cutting-Edge Technology

In today’s technological age, there’s certainly no excuse for companies to ignore the perks of having a remote workforce. Having a secure internet connection and a solid digital workplace platform gives employees an opportunity to access all the apps they need to do their work as efficiently as possible.

Task management software, instant messaging apps, video calls, and collaboration suites are there for a reason: to make life much more convenient for remote workers.

It Makes Employees Feel More Engaged

While remote work leading to greater engagement may sound counterintuitive to most people, this isn’t actually true.

As a matter of fact, employees who work remotely feel that their employers value them as much as they care for their wellbeing. Considering that telecommuters have to manage their time and productivity, it makes perfect sense that their superiors trust them to do their job on their own.

The more engaged your employees are, the higher your chances are of retaining them. In other words, you don’t need to worry about them leaving you for another digital marketing company. Treat them right and you’ll keep them for years. Not only that, but you’ll also be saving money as you avoid hiring new people.

Wrapping It Up

With technology becoming more and more advanced each day, remote working is here to stay – and it is for the good of your digital marketing business. Many others could attest to that.

Featured image by Euan Cameron on


Pasquale Mellone

Pasquale is Founder at, a H2H marketing agency based in Dublin, Ireland, and owner at print-on-demand ecommerce Pasquale has worked in Digital Marketing and Account Management since 2004. He currently lives in Dublin with his wife, stepdaughter and cat.