
How to Easily Find the Main Topics of a Web Page in 2022

find the main topics of a web page

How to Find the Main Topics of a Web Page in 2022 – In this article, I will explain how to easily find the main topics of a web page.

Finding the main topics of a page is important because it helps you discover gaps in your content.

The more complete your content, the higher the chances for your web pages to rank high on Google search engine rankings.

For example, if you are writing a blog post about digital marketing strategy, you also want to include topics such as:

  • SEO
  • Social Media
  • Online Advertising
  • Email Marketing

and so forth. In brief, finding the main topics of a web page helps you write better content. This in turns will translated into higher Google rankings and website traffic.

It also:

  • builds meaning
  • builds depth
  • helps Google better understand your content
  • positions your content as authoritative and trustworthy

How to Find the Main Topics of a Web Page (with MissingTopics.com)

To find the main topics of a web page (with MissingTopics.com):

  1. Visit MissingTopics.com
  2. Click on ‘Topics’
  3. Enter the URL of the page you want to find topics from and hit ‘Submit’

You will then get a list of all the topics on the page. You can also copy the list to your clipboard.

Featured image by Annie Spratt on Unsplash.com


Pasquale Mellone

Pasquale is Founder at Increasily.com, a H2H marketing agency based in Dublin, Ireland, and owner at print-on-demand ecommerce Mintycase.com. Pasquale has worked in Digital Marketing and Account Management since 2004. He currently lives in Dublin with his wife, stepdaughter and cat.