Community News

LCVP Work Experience Week, February-March 2022

LCVP Work Experience - pasquale and michele at increasily

For LCVP work experience week, February – March 2022 we are happy to have Michele Marannino from Italy doing his work experience at Increasily.

The LCVP work experience is aimed at developing maturity, responsibility, initiative and self-awareness within the students and is a mandatory component of their LCVP programme.

Michele is a 5th grade student from Italy attending Cabinteely Community School as part of an exchange programme with INPS and the Italian secondary school he attends.

Since Monday, Michele and Pasquale have been working on developing website about rock songs and their meanings,

By working on this project, Michele has been learning the basics of Web Design / Development, SEO, Online Advertising and Social Media Management.



Pasquale Mellone

Pasquale is Founder at, a H2H marketing agency based in Dublin, Ireland, and owner at print-on-demand ecommerce Pasquale has worked in Digital Marketing and Account Management since 2004. He currently lives in Dublin with his wife, stepdaughter and cat.