
Increasily Wins NYX Marcom Awards 2022 for Best Instagram

nyx marcom awards - confetti thrown into the air by a girl against a blue sky

Increasily has won the NYX Marcom Awards 2022 for Best Instagram page.

The prize came as a recognition for the work done on @baileybardublin, the Instagram page for

This is the first award Increasily wins for the work done on social media.

Overall this is the seventh award in 2022 for our H2H digital marketing agency and the thirteenth since 2021.

On receiving communication about the award, Increasily Founder and Head of Strategy Pasquale Mellone commented:

It’s great to receive yet another award, this time for the work done on behalf of our social media clients.

NYX Marcom Awards is the leading international awards program that recognizes, celebrates, honors excellence in marketing, communication, and creativity across all facets of industries and mediums, to advocate valuable and significant projects.

The Bailey on Duke Street is a Dublin institution. Great for lunch and dinner but even better for sitting outside, sipping a cocktail, whiskey or prosecco and watching busy Dublin scurry by.

Featured image by Jason Dent on


Pasquale Mellone

Pasquale is Founder at, a H2H marketing agency based in Dublin, Ireland, and owner at print-on-demand ecommerce Pasquale has worked in Digital Marketing and Account Management since 2004. He currently lives in Dublin with his wife, stepdaughter and cat.