
How to Access Facebook Business Suite (Revised for 2022)

how to access facebook business suite

How to access Facebook Business Suite (Revised for 2022) – In this article I am showing you how to access Facebook Business Suite.

You will learn about this new feature by Facebook, why it’s important for your business and how to use it.

If you need help with your Facebook or Instagram, make sure you check our Social Media Marketing services.

What is Facebook Business Suite?

Facebook Business Suite is a free app that will allow users to manage their Facebook and Instagram business accounts from one place.

With Facebook Business Suite you can:

How to Access Facebook Business Suite

To access your Facebook Business Suite:

  1. log into the Facebook account associated with your business
  2. If you’re eligible, you’ll automatically be redirected to Business Suite when you visit business.facebook.com on desktop

If you’re already using the Pages Manager App on mobile, you’ll automatically see the option to opt into Business Suite.

Facebook Business Suite will be gradually rolling out in September 2020. Note that this product is not currently meant for those using Ads Manager for advertising.

How to Download Facebook Business Suite on Mobile

You can download the mobile app by clicking on the following links:





Pasquale Mellone

Pasquale is Founder at Increasily.com, a H2H marketing agency based in Dublin, Ireland, and owner at print-on-demand ecommerce Mintycase.com. Pasquale has worked in Digital Marketing and Account Management since 2004. He currently lives in Dublin with his wife, stepdaughter and cat.

Comments (15)

  1. Joleana Warners
    30 September 2021

    I am still not even seeing business suite in my options to click. how do I know if I am eligible and where can I change that?

    • Pasquale Mellone
      8 October 2021

      Hi Joleana, have you tried visiting business.facebook.com ? You should be able to access it from there

  2. Joleana Warners
    22 November 2021

    I have tried that yes, I have read so many different things on what to do and still cannot get access to the business suite on my desktop. I can get it on my phone, but not on my computer. and I prefer business suite over creator studio

  3. Greg
    8 December 2021

    Totally agree with Joleana. Can’t access Facebook Business Suite. And it seems so delicious! Want to use it instead of regular BM.

    • Pasquale Mellone
      9 December 2021

      Greg, thanks for your comment. What do you see if you type business.facebook.com in your browser? @Joleana, same for you please thanks

  4. Emma
    13 January 2022

    Pasquale, same problem for me as Joleana and Greg. When I go to business.facebook.com there is no option for Business Suite when looking through the menu. Instead I see an account/buisness drop-down on the left side, with ‘Ads Manager’ ‘Ads Reporting and ‘Events Manager’ below the drop down. In the middle it brings up ‘Ad account performance’ and ‘alerts on the right side.

    • Pasquale Mellone
      14 January 2022

      Hi Emma, and thanks for the comment. Did you create the Business Manager account yourself? From what you write, I suspect you haven’t been given access to Facebook Business Manager. If you do, you should see Business Settings along with what you mention. Sorry for not being able to help further

  5. debbie
    13 January 2022

    I am an admin on our business facebook account with full access. We have business suite yet I can’t access the business feed. I get this error. How do I fix that?

    Access needed to use this tool
    You don’t have access to manage Five Star Window Coatings in this tool. Select another Facebook Page and Instagram account or manage access in Business settings.

    • Pasquale Mellone
      14 January 2022

      Hi Debbie, and thanks for your comment. From what you write, it seems you are not added as an admin for your Facebook business page in your Facebook Business Manager. If you have the right privileges, you need to log into your Business Manager, select Business Settings then under Account > Pages you need to make sure you are added as an admin. Hope it helps!

  6. Alexis
    19 January 2022

    when I got to the FB business link it says ‘ Sorry, this content isn’t available right now. The link you followed may have expired or the page may only be visible to an audience you are not in.”

    • Pasquale Mellone
      20 January 2022

      Hi Alexis, and thanks for the comment. Are you the owner of the Facebook Business Manager account? Have you tried downloading the Facebook Business Suite app on your phone and accessing from there?

  7. Stephen
    27 February 2022

    I was logged out of my FB business page – and it won’t allow me any access back into it. I am the only admin on the page. Any suggestions? I can see the page from other people seeing it, but FB keeps telling me there is no account w/that info. HELP!, lol

    • Pasquale Mellone
      28 February 2022

      Hi Stephen, and thanks for your comment. Shall I assume you have logged into your personal Facebook account before trying to access the page? If so, when you visit your FB business page what do you see? Any error message?

  8. Jacob
    26 May 2022

    my Facebook Business Suite automatically deactivated. I could not change the old email to the account. They automatically deleted it. how do I recover our Business Suite Facebook account?

    Thank You

    • Pasquale Mellone
      27 May 2022

      Hi Jacob, and thanks for your comment. It’s very difficult to offer a solution without any context as to why your FB Business Suite was deactivated. This generally happens for something related to your ad account. If that’s the case, you first need to get your ad account reactivated. This article might help: https://www.facebook.com/business/help/1798922733589154

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