
Instagram Photo Ideas for Cafes in 2020

instagram photo ideas for cafes in 2020 - ceiling of a dark cafe with the sign cafe in white

Instagram Photo Ideas for Cafes in 2020 – In this article I am listing and describing some Instagram photo ideas for cafes and coffee shops.

You will learn what the most effective Instagram photo ideas for cafes in 2020 are and how to quickly apply them to your business.

If you are interested in this topic, make sure you check my other article about Coronavirus Marketing Exampls from Restaurants and Cafes.

Also if you need any help with Instagram for your cafe or coffee shop, feel free to check our Social Media agency marketing services.

Instagram Photo Ideas for Cafes in 2020

Share Food Photos

This sounds more like a given and there are many businesses out there diligently sharing their food photos on Instagram.

However, make sure your photos are Insta-worthy and can make an impact like La Cucina in Limerick.


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Open at 12 for all your waffle needs 🧇 #limerick #limerickcity #waffles #desserts

A post shared by La Cucina (@lacucinalimerick) on

For some tips on how to make your Instagram food photos stand out, you can check this post on the Shopify blog or this other article by COOKIE + Kate.

Share Coffee Photos

Let people know how good your coffee is (and looks like) by sharing meaningful photos, like in this example by the guys at Coffee Angel.


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Sláinte mhaith! May your mug be full of delicious coffee all weekend long… and spills kept to a minimum 😉

A post shared by Coffeeangel (@coffeeangel) on

Share Pet Photos

If your cafe or coffee shop is pet-friendly, sharing photos of your customers’ pets should be among your top Instagram photo ideas.

I particularly like how Shoe Lane Coffee shares photos of their customers’ best friends.

Share Photos of Your Staff

People love to see the behind the scenes of your restaurant, cafe or coffee shop.

If you add some humour and don’t take yourself too seriously, it’s also a great plus.

In this example, pizzaiolo and store-owner Tadhg strikes some statuary pose for the photographer.

Making yourself and your staff known is one of the top Instagram photo ideas for cafes, coffee shops, restaurants and in general for any small business.

Share Memes (but Don’t Overdo It!)

Nutbutter gives the perfect example of balanced content curation by sharing not only photos of food but also throwing some memes into the mix.


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Me: ‘I’ve been really good honestly, just been keeping myself really busy , you know yourself hAhaHaHaaaa’ :)))))))

A post shared by Nutbutter ( on

Share a Recipe

Especially during the lockdown, social media was one of the main ways for businesses to stay in touch with their audience.

Some of them included sharing recipes that their customers could make at home to their Instagram photo ideas.

A great example of sharing some of the love with your customers is by Alma.

Share Photos of the Ingredients You Use

Share Photos with Your Producers

Share Your Customer Reviews

Showcase the Interiors of Your Cafe

Love Supreme are extremely creative and artsy when it comes to showing the inside of their cafe.

Show Your Location

One of my personal favourites is Lucky’s in Dublin for how they proudly share photos of their neighbourhood.

A lot of businesses focus only on their premise or products. I personally think sharing photos of your location and area is one of the best Instagram photo ideas for a small business.

Are you a cafe or coffee shop owner or manager? What other Instagram photo ideas do you use?

Instagram Photo Ideas for Cafes in 2020: Sources




Pasquale Mellone

Pasquale is Founder at, a H2H marketing agency based in Dublin, Ireland, and owner at print-on-demand ecommerce Pasquale has worked in Digital Marketing and Account Management since 2004. He currently lives in Dublin with his wife, stepdaughter and cat.