
Coronavirus Marketing Examples from Restaurants, Cafes & Takeaways

Coronavirus marketing

Coronavirus Marketing Examples from Restaurants, Cafes & Takeaways, Updated 17th April 2020 – With countries in full- (Italy) or semi-lockdown (Ireland), one of the questions I wanted to find an answer to in terms of Coronavirus marketing was ‘what marketing initiatives are businesses putting in place during COVID-19?’.

I have started doing a bit of research and found some very interesting examples.

On the basis of what I found I have put together an infographic with recommendations based on actual marketing initiatives.

Coronavirus Marketing from Restaurant, Cafes & Takeaways

Address Your Customers FAQs

In a previous post about Coronavirus FAQ for Restaurants, Cafes and Takeaways, I wrote about the importance of reassuring your customers by addressing their most common questions about coronavirus and health and food safety procedures.

I have also provided a sample infographic that you can use as an inspiration or simply share on your social media.

If you are open, I would recommend you take a look at the post and integrate it with your own ideas and suggestions that are specific to your business.

One of the examples of brands adopting this approach is Apache Pizza Ireland and the response has been very positive.

Don’t Shut Down Your Social Media

I know you wouldn’t expect otherwise by a digital strategy agency offering social media services.

The point I want to make here is that in the current climate, social media might be your only communication channel between your business and your customer base.

Shutting down this channel means ignoring your population, while they are at home, working or simply self-isolating.

By ‘don’t shut down your social media’ I am not implying that you should pay (or keep paying) your social media agency. I am only suggesting that your keep the communication channels open, even by taking over the social media profiles yourself.

Gaz from Michael’s has been extremely active on Twitter (and also very successful with repurposing the restaurant to collection only).

On April 15th Instagram published a blog post ‘How to Support Small Businesses during COVID-19’.

In the article, Instagram announces a number of new features to help small businesses promote gift vouchers, food order and fundraisers on Instagram through story stickers.

SMEs can also promote their food delivery through an action button (only through selected food delivery services such as Uber Eats).

The new features are currently available in the US. and Canada but they will be available globally ‘in the coming weeks’ (source:

Set Up a Collection (and / or) Delivery Service

Some restaurants faced with the risk of closing the premise, they decided to move their business model from serving seated diners to collection and delivery only.

A great example of Coronavirus marketing is 3fe:

This other restaurant in New York City has been experimenting with ‘meal-kits…


Go from Cancellations to Rescheduling

The most recent data from OpenTable suggests that Ireland is seeing a 70% drop in seated diners Year-on-Year (as of March 17th).

The hospitality industry has been struck by a significant number of cancellations affecting hotels, restaurants, bars and cafes.

One way to limit the damage is to move from cancellations to rescheduling, ideally by offering incentives such as free cancellations, no deposit or even discounts.

Promote Your Vouchers and Gift Cards

The same company encourages restaurants and cafes to ask their customers for support by promoting vouchers and gift cards.

Did you get cancellations for Mother’s Day? Offer your customers to buy a gift voucher instead and don’t be too restrictive with the expiration date.

Here’s another example of coronavirus marketing:


On the basis of these examples, I have come up with an infographic, which hopefully will help some of you. Please feel free to share or mention it.

Coronavirus Marketing Infographic with Examples of Marketing during Covid-19

I hope this is of help to some of the businesses in the food and drink industry.

I would be curious to know if you have seen other marketing examples that are worth mentioning. Please feel free to share in the comments.

Most importantly, stay safe!


Pasquale Mellone

Pasquale is Founder at, a H2H marketing agency based in Dublin, Ireland, and owner at print-on-demand ecommerce Pasquale has worked in Digital Marketing and Account Management since 2004. He currently lives in Dublin with his wife, stepdaughter and cat.