
How to Add Shopify Alt Tags to Theme Images (Easy 6 Steps)

shopify alt tags

How to add Shopify Alt Tags to Theme Images – In this article I am going to show you how to add Shopify alt tags to your theme images.

If you are interested in Shopify SEO, make sure you check out my other articles:

What Are Alt Tags?

Alt tag stands for alternative tag. It’s used on images to make them accessible to people with eyesight disabilities.

Alt tags are also very important for SEO. Search engines cannot read the content of an image. Alt tags serve as a description of the image helping searching engines indexing and ranking them properly.

How to Add Shopify Alt Tags to Theme Images

To add Shopify alt tags to your theme images:

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.
  2. Find the theme that you want to edit and click Customize.
  3. From the theme editor toolbar, click the section with the image that needs alt text.
  4. Below the image, click Edit:
  5. In the dialog, enter the alt text, and then click Save.
  6. In the top right corner of the theme editor, click Save.
shopify alternative text

Alt Tag Best Practice

  • Always include your focus keyword
  • Be as descriptive as you like. The purpose of the alt tag is to improve the accessibility of your page

If you need help with optimising your Shopify page title and description for your web store, make sure you check our Shopify SEO services.



Pasquale Mellone

Pasquale is Founder at, a H2H marketing agency based in Dublin, Ireland, and owner at print-on-demand ecommerce Pasquale has worked in Digital Marketing and Account Management since 2004. He currently lives in Dublin with his wife, stepdaughter and cat.