
Enable AMP in Shopify (Updated for 2022)

Enable AMP in Shopify (Updated for 2022) – In this article I am showing you how to enable Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) on your Shopify store.

You will also learn what AMP is and how it can improve the page load speed and consequently the conversion rate for your store.

If you want to learn more about the basics of SEO for Shopify, make sure you check my other articles:

If you don’t know how to enable AMP in SHopify, feel free to check our Shopify SEO agency services.

What is AMP?

AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages. It’s a project launched by Google in 2016 to offer a faster and more enjoyable mobile experience.

AMP are different from standard mobile pages. They ‘are cached and preloaded in search results, making the load time appear instant’. They also have ‘strict guidelines on coding, file sizes, and 3rd party plugins’ (source:

Why is Important to Enable AMP in Shopify?

It’s important to enable AMP in SHopify because it generates an improvement in a number of important SEOmetrics such as page load speed, conversion rate, dwell time and more.

Some of these metrics are considered as ranking factors by Google. This means that by improving these metrics, you will improve the rankings, visibility and traffic for your web pages.

How to Enable AMP in Shopify

To enable AMP in Shopify, you will need to install a third party app.

These are the most popular Shopify AMP apps:

For the purpose of this tutorial I am going to use the AMP by Shop Sheriff app.

How to Enable AMP in Shopify with AMP by Shop Sheriff

To enable AMP in Shopify with AMP by Shop Sheriff:

  1. Visit the Shopify app store, download and install the app
  2. After installing the app, click on ‘Let’s Get Started
  3. Scroll past the version updates and to the bottom and click on ‘Next: AMP Page Logo
  4. You can upload your logo here or you can simply skip this step
  5. Once you are done, click on ‘Next: AMP Theme
  6. Click on ‘Generate AMP Theme
  7. Next, click on ‘Select a Plan
  8. If you only want to enable AMP pages for your products, then the free plan will do. However, if you want more freedom and customisation, the paid plans are quite affordable too
  9. Click on ‘Continue with Basic‘ for the free plan or choose one of the two paid options by clicking on ‘Get the Plan
  10. That’s it you are all set. I would recommend you do the quick tour at the end of the setup to become familiar with the several options and settings available.


how to enable amp in shopify amp by sheriff


how to enable amp in shopify logo amp sheriff


how to enable amp in shopify upload logo


how to enable amp in shopify generate amp theme


how to enable amp in shopify select a plan


how to enable amp in shopify continue with basic

To check what your new amp pages look like:

  1. Click on ‘AMP Pages‘ from the left sidebar and select the appropriate category (in the case of the free plan, you will only have access to Products)
  2. Click on the page you would like to check to open up a dropdown menu
  3. Click on the AMP URL of the page to check what it looks like (please note AMP is meant for mobile use so if you check it on your desktop it might not look as good)

how to enable amp in shopify check amp pages


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Pasquale Mellone

Pasquale is Founder at, a H2H marketing agency based in Dublin, Ireland, and owner at print-on-demand ecommerce Pasquale has worked in Digital Marketing and Account Management since 2004. He currently lives in Dublin with his wife, stepdaughter and cat.